Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dramatis Personae or Lambs to the Slaughter

Following their escape from the Shadow Rift the adventurers found that they felt strange and different, they were now 4e characters.  This post will introduce the players, give the characters backgrounds and describe their new personae.

 In alphabetic order we have the following players:
Alhellara (animated by Joette): Alhellara is a Elf Cleric from Barret's Quay, a small eastern island of the Korinn Archipelago.  She is half a millennium old but still youthful by elf standards.  Before beginning adventuring she spent many years picking up profits form haggling and gambling, and is a fluent linguist.
 Demin (animated by Brian):  Demin is a Human Rogue from Ventris, the largest and richest of the islands in the Korinn Archipelago.  Before beginning adventuring Demin was a professional navigator having spent almost 8 years at sea.  He learned the finer points of deep sea navigation, has a good weather sense, and drafts accurate maps.

 Gofin (animated by Rich): Gofin is a Gnome Assassin form Chawdik, a fairly poor eastern island of the Korinn Archipelago.  Gofin was a fisherman, skilled at dragging nets to catch fish before venturing into the heroic realm.  She compensates for a serious lack of strength by relying on her impressive bearing.
Lythandar (animated by Leo):  Lythandar is a half-Elf Wizard from the island of Highport a rich trading city of the Korinn Archipelago.  Before being drug off by pirates Lythandar was n apprentice armorer who never had much success at normal jobs, that abysmal Wisdom keeps him from wisely and sagely sticking to projects from start to finish.
Mara (animated by Dave):  Mara is a Human Warden from Caftenor the most southern island of any size in the Korinn Archipelago.  While not especially bright, Mara has good common sense, plus good physical strength and endurance.  She was a jeweler's assistant before embarking on new adventures.
Melisana (animated by Mark): Melisana is a Human Invoker who is the daughter of the merchant Melkeras of Ventris.  She is a good-natured and insightful young woman, who had sufficient natural wisdom not to have grown up spoiled by her overindulgent parents.  She was learning to become a good sailor and merchant with the hopes of taking over her father's business.
Pretis (animated by Roger):  Pretis is a Human Warlord from Rabin's Reef, a forested island of the Korinn Archipelago.  Pretis was a salt water sailor with several years' experience in trading expeditions.

The hearty band has emerged from the Shadow Rift and will embark on new exploits to be detailed the coming posts.

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