Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Shadowed Room

Just as Bratorn was completing his directions to the Shadowed Room an Imp and an Invisible Stalker appeared in the library with the party.  Immediately they launched into an attack.  The Imp dazed Gofin, attacked her and then went invisible.  The stalker then created a dark zone and launched an attack against Alhellara.  Meanwhile the party spread out to attack the creatures but Mara and Pretis ended up in the dark zone and were blinded.  After one round the door opened and a Priest strode into the room attacking Demin who had moved to try and block the door.  Bratorn stated that this was Hragris, his master, and leaped into the battle knowing that all was lost for him.   Two more priests entered the room and caused much damage with their dagger attacks.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Temple of Vecna

As the party continued up the stairway to the Temple of Vecna they saw that a large overhang was above them and that the stairway continued into the platform.  It emerged into the center of  the platform where the party saw a large white building covered with carvings of leering faces and fiendish forms.  There were red and black banners hanging down from various places.  The banners depicted a symbol of a bony, splayed hand with a leering eye in the center of the palm.  There were a set of closed double doors on the face of the large building.   Also noticed were two archways into the outer skull itself.  Melisana crept up to the eastern archway and saw that it continued for some 25-30 feet where it opened up somewhat.  Lythandar moved up to the archway and could see some tables, chairs and a sofa in the larger room.   Pretis moved to the edge of the large building while Gofin moved to look down the other archway where she saw a similar view as Lythandar had seen.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Into Cavitius

After defeating a group of shadows in the Haunted Battleground the party took a short rest and scoured the area for treasure.  Lythandar discovered a pair of Gloves of Ice which he kept being the only member of the party with a cold attack.  The party then moved on continuing down the slope of the Burning Peaks.  Ash still covered the ground which made quick movements difficult.  Soon the party came upon signs of a battle, old corpses, scraps of armor, broken weapons and fallen standards.  Just ahead the party saw a mound of bone and flesh.  It appeared that the bones and flesh of innumerable people and creatures were somehow fused together into a disgusting amalgam of horror.  This monstrosity was certainly one of the Hideous Engines that Marit and the Tovagian soldiers mentioned.  Led by Pretis the group decided to make its way around the mound at the farthest distance possible.  Just as Pretis moved within a few yards of the Engine a single skull on the top started chanting but there was no movement from the horror.