Thursday, October 4, 2012

Supplication Chamber

The party moved to the northern quiet door, which was locked.  Demin moved forward to try and pick the lock at which he succeeded.  Just as the lock clicked the southeastern door opened and 3 Ogres and a half-ogre charged into the Foyer.  A quick battle followed in which the Ogres threw javelins and charged forward.  The half-ogre moved to a group of adventurers and Cleaved their Souls.  Quickly the party dispatched the Ogres and Lythandar decided to inspect the room from which the Ogres emerged.

Demin decided to advance into the chamber to the north where he found ebony tapestries covering several walls with the ubiquitous skeletal hand and eye symbol.  There were several tables on which rested some alchemical apparatus mostly smashed into pieces.  Along the west wall were bookcases with glass, clay and leather containers and several books.  The books detailed experiments on undead familiars with bone scalpels.  The experiments described elaborate distillations, evisceration-dissections, inquisitions of summoned oracles and grotesque experiments on necrotic flesh.

In the Ogre room Lythandar found shattered frames, scorched easels and ashen parchments, the seeming remains of a gallery of Vecna art.  There was a small fire in the center of the room and in the northern corner a pile of ghoul bodies hewn and stacked together.  Arcana checks in each room found only a set of armor amongst the ghoul bodies.

Each of the new rooms had one door in them also.  At the Experiment room Demin listened at the door and heard nothing.  The door was locked but he picked it and entered and area with metal cabinets on the wall.  Searching the cabinets found a red vial containing a liquid and a box of silver parchment wrapped pills with orange stripes.  At the door of the Art Studio Demin heard some loud plodding and grunting sounds.  The group opened the door as saw 3 Trolls in a room with smashed statuary covering most of the floor.  Lythandar and Gofin moved forward to attack the Trolls while Pretis moved into the room and planted the standard.  Two of the trolls fired arrows at the lead party members and moved forward to engage.  Mara burrowed through the ground to rise next to one of the Trolls who she dispatched.  Melisana cast Written in Fire.  Alhellara used her new Holy item to attack with more ferocity than her previous attempts.  

The Troll that Mara dispatched stood up, did some damage and then was killed by Melisana's fire damage.  The party soon determined that fire damage kept the Trolls from regenerating and Fire also killed them for good.  The battle was soon won and the party took a short rest while Demin found 2000 GP laying around the area.  To the south was a door carved with a relief sculpture showing the tortures awaiting any who open it.

There was also a hallway leading east from this area with a door on the north wall and a corner turning south.  Lythandar moved down the hallway and tripped a trap pit before a door leading south.  He took damage from a large spike at the bottom of a 20' drop.  After retrieving Lythandar the group decided to open the northern door.  Inside they saw several humans and an Iron Gorgon.

Scorecard:  The group earned 679 XP for the two battles and now have 35820 XP needing 3180 more to reach 13th level.  The magic armor was Formidable Chain Armor +3 which the group decided should go to Mara.

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