Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wages of War

We left our intrepid adventurers on the road in the Burning Peaks, a volcanic mountainous area.  They were traveling with Marit a VERY pregnant woman that they met on the road.  Marit is looking for her husband Victor who has not returned from war.  As the party traveled farther the road became more difficult and the air became silent with nary a bird or beast calling out.  Over a rise they group heard the human cries of pain and anguish that violated the stillness.

Creeping over the rise Pretis and Demin saw a group of 5 men laying on the ground and crying out in pain.  Melisana moved forward as she still had the "Comprehend Languages" ritual active and heard one soldier cry out "Help us, for the grip of death tightens 'round our weary necks."   The soldiers were livery was the same Black sword on a red field that they had seen earlier on the dead soldier.  Cautiously moving forward, looking for an ambush the party approached.  Marit rushed forward to talk to the men asking about her husband.  The soldiers had no information for her as Alhellara and Melisana moved up with her.  One of the soldiers was already dead and the others had the same awful wounds filled with greenish ooze and surrounded by small blisters.  There appeared to be a leader who said that their wounds were caused by "Terrible war machines made from the flesh of the dead."  He raved about the forces of the Whispered One trying to force their way into Tovag.  The battle was awful but not as bad as it would be if the Maimed Lord made his way into Tovag.  Melisana with aid from Mara and Alhellara cast a Cure Disease ritual on the leader and it seemed to stabilize him.  Brek, the leader then related a description of the war machines, huge monstrosities made up of human arms, legs, heads, and other body parts that attack the force of Tovag.  In the meantime another of the soldiers expired from his grievous wounds and Brek leaned over to another, whispered to him and slit his throat as Pretis missed trying to knock him away.  Even though not in battle Mara executed "Wellspring Strike" to try and add healing to the remaining soldier.  In time Melisana cast another Cure Disease and aided the other soldier.   Brek, still raving, said that "Only through the efforts of brave protectors will the evil of the Chained God be contained."  The party kept asking about who the Chained God, Whispered One or Maimed Lord might be but all the soldiers related was that he was the ruler of Cavitius on the far side of the Burning Peaks.  Asked about Tovag Brek related that it was ruled by great Lord Kas who had no love for them but he was much better than the flayer of souls that they struggle against.  The party continued on their way with Marit and the two soldiers riding on the Tensors Floating Disk.  After more travel some party members seem to tire and it was getting dark so the group found a place to camp.  Gofin and Alhellara climbed to the top of  a 15' rock platform to act as lookouts and the rest of the party camped surrounded by rock and brush.

 It was very dark here, no moon or stars since the sky was very overcast, occasional volcanic activity was seen to the "west".  In the middle of the night Gofin saw some humanoid creatures approaching the camp from the north and west and alerted the rest of the party who arose from slumber to find themselves surrounded by swiftly moving humans, leering faces painted to look like one-eyed skulls.  They carried large knives with rune-covered black blades in their gloved hands.  Battle ensued,  Mara employed "Form of the Mountains Thunder"  and Natures Wrath to mark and attack several of the enemy.  Demin found that there were more attackers coming from the south and used a crossbow to deal damage.  Gofin employed Executioner's Noose and Alhellara used "Moment of Glory" to push the enemy and knock them prone.  This also gave resist 5 to all damage to her allies which she sustained.  The humans attacked and some of them would do damage, shift, attack again, and then shift again.  Of course the ones that Mara marked were then affected by "Warden's Fury".  Others of the group seemed to be Minions who could still move swiftly.  One of the soldiers was slain and Brek ran from the battle at his earliest chance.  At one point a humans missed an attack on Lythandar and hit Marit instead.  Immediately another of his "friends" attacked him and continued attacking that same creature.  Lythandar used Magic Missile to get rid of some minions.  Pretis employed "Myrmidion Formation" granting temporary HPs to her allies.

As time expired, the battle was still raging and we will continue next week.

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