Friday, July 19, 2013

Death Becomes Them

The hearty adventurerors continued examining the library of Moghadam for clues to the demilich Acererak's plans or for a exit from the lair of MoghadamPretis was off to one side swearing an oath against Acererak, while Demin was trying to fill his backpack with as many paper, scrolls, etc. that he could find.  Melisana and Lythandar were discussing how to backtrack out of the lair.  Suddenly the heroes found themselves surrounded by swirling mists of brilliant colors.  There is nothing else to see wherever they look.  In fact it is hard to see anything beyond 20-25 feet.

Some of the party cannot see everyone else but calling to one another allowed the party to gather again in a group.  Some of the party just wanted to stand still while others suggested moving somewhere.  The ground underfoot feels uneven and spongy.  Mara and Alhellara both reach down to grab a handful but the "soil" dissolved into mist as they tried to grab it.  Alhellara attempted to push her arm into the "ground" but it was too solid for anything to penetrate it.

Finally the group marched off together, the colors started to fade and they found themselves walking through darkness, the air was wet and cool to the skin.  After a short walk a figure materialized before the party.  Dressed in tattered black robes and carrying a huge scythe, its face hidden in the deep shadows of its hood, the figure pointed a cony finger behind the party and said in a hollow voice,  "You are not welcome here. Return whence you came."

The party discussed attacking the figure, but eventually started to backtrack.  Pretis followed for a short while and then returned to the previous spot.  The figure again appeared pointed back behind Pretis and said, "You are not welcome here.  You must go hence."  So the party moved in the opposite direction again, came upon stakes that Alhellara had placed in the "ground" and moved beyond them.  A robed figure again appeared, pointed to the left and said, "You must leave this place at once, or perish."

Reluctantly the group trudged off to the left where they encountered another robed figure who said, "You were warned.  Pay the price."   At this mention 6 other robed figures appeared each within reach of a hero.  These figures seemed to be drawn to attack one character only.  Eye of impending doom was cast and each time that character attacked the figure the characters brain was damaged.  Melisana was attacked with the scythe and stood dazed for a turn after which she was stunned.

The rest of the party was attacked in turn just before they acted.  Alhellara used her Turn Undead and found that radiant damage was good.  Pretis planted the standard and attacked with her new great-sword.  Demin used his new crossbow and Mara was her usual earth shaking, rending self.  Melisana recovered and cast her own Written in Fire and Rebuke Undead powers.  Lythandar created an area of "really difficult terrain" and some of the dazed Reapers disappeared from view.

Gofin hit the ground with a thud as the battle continued but some of the reapers started to fall.  The missing Reapers reappeared next to their designated hero but they all soon fell to the flurried attacks of the party.  As the last reaper fell the thick fog lifted and the party found themselves at the end of a blind alley.  The only light emanated from a crystalline, skull shaped lamp mounted on a wall bracket at the entrance to the alley.  A light, very cool breeze stirred their clothes and they heard the wind moaning loudly overhead.

The walls surrounding the party were strangely smooth and off-white in color.  A row of second floor windows, black and light less, could be seen overhead.  As they looked up they felt a sense of being in a canyon.  The buildings rose an astonishing nine full stories toward a dark sky, where black clouds rushed along, above which they could see an off white ceiling.  The party realized they were again in Citadel Cavitius.

The rough cobblestones were littered with splintered bones, scraps of paper, broken glass and pottery, several huge dead rats, and splattered garbage and waste.  The stench of rotting meat and ripe sewage wafted up from a nearby sewer grate.

Scorecard:  The party earned 4000 XP for their battle against the Mist Reapers and now have 102,141 XP needing 16859 more to reach 19th level. 

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