Thursday, February 7, 2013

Zombie Patrol

The party started to search the ruined tower, rifling through the smashed armor and weapons, and found nothing of interest.  An exit to the east was found which led to another bridge into the darkness of the city of Moil.  Following the bridge some members of the party were soon shivering from the cold and Demin kept wanting to rest for a while.  As Mara and Pretis passed over the highest part of the bridge they could see that it continued for a distance and then fell into open space as the bridge disappeared.

The group retreated back to the previous tower and just as they entered it several zombies emerged from the shadows to attack.  Mara suggested that they run for it but the party decided to stand and fight.  The group determined that some of the zombies were just minions but were surprised when the zombies death knell was to grab an enemy.  This death grab was doubly hard to escape from also.  Demin kept on shooting crossbow bolts while Melisana cast Written in Fire, which eliminated a few minions.  Mara pressed on against the Moilian Zombies, like the ones at the entry portal.  Alhellara moved up and used Turn undead to destroy a few more minions but she found herself bloodied and losing vigor quickly.  She called for help which Lythandar supplied.  Meanwhile Pretis, Gofin and Demin found themselves held by zombies but the enemy was dropping quickly.  

In short order all of the monsters were dispatched and the group found itself hacking away at the zombie holding Alhellara.  She related that after the latest extended rest she had woken with 2 fewer healing surges than normal.  She also remembered being hit by slime in the "Hand" Reliquary.  Discussion followed in which it was determined that Gofin had also been hit with slime but the group had used Remove Affliction to retrieve her from the wall of the Reliquary.  Alhellara stated that she had Remove Curse also and the party decided she should cast it on herself with aid.  Melisana volunteered to aid while everyone else was reluctant but the group finally shamed Demin into helping.  Melisana succeeded in aid but Demin halved that with a failure.  Alhellara recovered her two lost surges but also lost half her hit points.

The group the marched back to the previous X intersection where they took the path that they had not yet traversed.  This led to an even larger tower, with many outside walls missing, while the inside had a curved wall blocking the interior.  There were also several piles of debris on the floor along with other completely impassable areas of collapse.  Lythandar determined that the powerful magic suffusing this level was the only thing holding the ancient tower together.  This ancient magic had a specific signature that spoke to its purpose.  Magic hazards in this place were meant to test the fittest defenders of Moil -- and to kill those who were found unworthy.

The group moved around the inner wall to the northeast and happened upon another area of collapsed rubble.  Also going to the southwestern direction they could see a massive collapse of rubble, beyond which a large chamber opened.  A field of hand-wide black iron spires filled the space from wall to wall and floor to ceiling.  Most stood so close as to nearly touch each other, but wider spaces between some of them created a narrow path leading to the other side. The adventurers spent time discussing how to navigate this area.  Gofin determined that the chamber was trapped with potent magic, which Lythandar confirmed.  Lythandar discussed being able to teleport to the door on the far side of the room, but he couldn't make the entire distance.  Others were trying to determine if they could fit between the spires.  

Finally Lythandar stepped into an area about 10 feet from the closest spire.  With a resounding crash, the spires began to topple and twist in a domino effect.  Spires smashed and mangled in collisions with each other are magically reformed and righted, and the path between them shifted erratically.  Lythandar moved away and the toppling spires stopped organized in a new pattern.

Demin and Gofin came to the conclusion that Acrobatics and Athletics could help moving through the field of spires while Melisana thought that Arcana and Perception might aid them.  The group then moved forward to try their luck.

Scorecard:  The party earned 1000 XP for the evening and now have 51000 XP needing 6000 more to reach 15th level.

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