Thursday, August 2, 2012


The hearty adventurers looked around the circle of arches.  Inside the arches more bodies, with the skeletal hand with eyeball tattoo, were foundThe inner circle was about 90' across surrounded by 16 archways standing 40' high.  Melisana decided to circle the outside of the archways looking through each to determine if there was a pattern.  Alhellara stood in the center of the inner circle monitoring the archways to see if anything moved, came through an arch, etc.

Starting from the western archway saw the following pattern, dark opaque nothing visible, normal, dark opaque nothing visible, normal, etc all the way around back to the western archway.  Moving to the inside Melisana moved again around the circle starting from the west which is numbered 1.
1. Impenetrable Black darkness.
2. Clear normal view
3. Clear normal view
4  Clear normal view
5. Impenetrable Black darkness
6. Clear normal view
7. Impenetrable Black darkness
8. Clear normal view
9. Stage show of marionettes dancing without strings carrying sharp needles.
10. Clear normal view
11. Normal view magnified 10x
12. Clear normal view
13. Normal view magnified 10x
14. Clear normal view
15. Flesh golems cavorting on a roof holding metal rods into the air during a thunderstorm.
16. Clear normal view

Next the group decided to toss some dead bodies, with ropes tied to them,  through archways.  When a body was tossed through the west archway it did not appear on the far side of the arch.  Pulling it back brought a brief gush of salt water with the body.  When a body was tossed through archway 5 it appeared on the far side of the arch.  A body tossed through arch 9 appeared on the far side.  A body tossed through any even numbered arch appeared on the far side of the arch, these are ways were all Clear normal views but a body tossed through arch 3 did not appear on the far side.  A body tossed through arch 7 did not appear on the far side.  

Lythandar held his breath and stuck his head through the arch 1, he found a drowned version of the archways.  The group surmised that the Lake in this world had flooded the complex.  Melisana stuck her head trough arch 3 and saw a dark, warm and humid landscape.  There were a few dozen red swollen stars in the otherwise black void overhead.  The familiar circle of arch surrounded the area although there were a few out of place miniature pillars here and there.

Looking through arch 7 Melisana saw the familiar stone circles of Tovag Baragu in the midst of a lush blue foliage rainforest.  In the center of the circles was a 20' square, 30' high crenellated stone tower.  After more trials of other archways Lythandar stepped through arch 7, with a rope tied to him, he spotted some large tents outside the inner circle of stones.  After Lythandars return the party decided to all go through arch 7.   As they entered some head popped up from the top of the tower.  The group was quizzed about who they were, what they were doing here, where were they from, did they follow Vecna.   Stating that they were tracking Iuz, the guards seemed to relax some but still wanted to know if the party were Vecna followers.  Mara answered yes but the guards called for Muquetho who asked the party to name the rituals of Vecna.  Melisana repeated the phrase that allowed the party to enter Citadel Cavitius.  This did not satisfy Muquetho and he ordered an attack.

The battle that followed was fierce as the party was hampered by the height of the tower.  Melisana sprouted wings and flew to the top of an archway.    Arrows peppered the party and Muquetho's tentacle attacks were savage.  Soon several party members were bloodied, Gofin moved to try and open the door to the tower and found that she could move the bolt holding the doors shut with her sword.  Just as Pretis and Demin were entering the tower Lythandar and Melisana were hit by Dazing Bolts.  Melisana fell unconscious on the top of the 40' archway.  

Neither Alehllara nor Pretis could reach that high with a healing power but Alhellara gathered the courage to run up the stairs of the tower, ignoring the opportunity attacks on the way,  to recover Melisana from the top of the tower.  Soon after all of the enemy fell in battle and the party stopped to recover their breath.

Scorecard:  The group earned 729 XP for this night and now have 30,541 XP needing 1459 to reach 12th level.  

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